actiRHYTHM Branding

Creation of the logo and branding of the actiRHYTHM residency from the Goethe-Institut and their partners. The residency seeks to foster cross-border collaborations amongst musicians in South Asia and Germany as well as investigate how their work prods and interacts with the socio-political issues of their realities. The logo had to reflect the intersection of music and activism while still fitting with the existing corporate identity of the Goethe-Institut.

Three options were proposed, all working off of the idea of music and activisim working hand in hand.


The first proposal used jagged lines to represent the agitation that activism and protest music create in communities and groups.

The second concept represents the rippling effect of change that activism can create and the role music has in spreading that message.


The third and chosen concept are similar to the concentric logos in Goethe-Institut’s own logo, but it also represents volume and resonance - both important in making activism and music impactful.

Mohini Mukherjee